Wednesday, September 2, 2009


My sister got a job with the same company I work with, Wackenhut/G4S. It's a security company that contracts security personnel out to various different companys. It didn't hurt that I had her do a mock interview with my boss a while back when she was working on her GED. That definitly got her foot in the door. She had two rec's, the one from my boss because he did her mock interview and then the one from me. Even though she is my sister, a rec is a rec and it doesn't hurt that I have a clean work history with them. I have nothing bad in my file **knock on wood** all I have are emp of the month, recognition awards, security officer, leadership certificates, and a great team award from the client that G4S contracted me to.

The job is a part time job but it has the opportunity to get full time and picking up extra shifts here and there which works out. And it pays her at least $10.50 p/hr which is better than min wage, so even though it's only PT for now it still works in her favor since it pays more than any other job she has ever had.

Once she goes FT in her job her and I can get an apartment together, but in the mean time we get to work on bills. Before she can even start working on paying her debt off she needs to get money together to buy a car, in the mean time she is using our mom's car, but that is only temporary.

For me I need to pay off some bills, I have about $8,000.00 in c/c debt, then student loans, then medical and dental bills. I have surgery next Thursday to have my gallbladder removed and I think I will have to pay 20% of that which will suck, but it's better than having to pay 100% of it. I am having pain from my Gallstones, so surgery can't get here fast enough for me. I hope that I can last till then and not have to go into the ER and have emergency surgery. As it is I will be missing 3 days of work, and it just so happens to fall on a holiday week so that's one more day I am out of pay.

I filled out medical papers through the state to see if I can't qualify for a reduced medical/dental insurance through them. I know it will be a while yet before I hear from them, but I hope I hear soon. I have to cancel my work insurance by end of October or I am stuck with it for another year. Before then I need to get a vision test and make sure I use up all that I can of my current insurance, just so I don't lose out on anything that is covered now. Either way I can't go without insurance, so if that means I end up being stuck with it for another year, I guess that's what will happen. Will see, only time will tell.

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