Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Skinny Bitch

Yeah I said it. It's a book for those not in the know, a diet book. Let me tell you that the first 114 pages are pretty much shit. It talks about other diet programs and what is good about them and bad. As good as that is, it doesn't really help. I don't know what it is about certain diet books, but they like to dilly dally till they get to the fucking point. Excuse my language, but it is a biproduct of the book that I just read. That's right, if you read this book, don't go in public if you don't want to have potty mouth. The entire book is just as the title very frank and many words in which your mother would wash out your mouth with soap if she head you.

ch 1: give it up basically tells you to give up coffee, pop, and liquor. Don't worry we can have water flavored with lemon and they say if your feeling crazy you can add a fruit to the water. Oh and tea - organic herbal decaffinated.

ch 2 : carbs the truth what you can eat and what you can't, yes there are good carbs.

ch 3 : sugar is the devil self explanatory, substitues are given.

ch 4: the dead, rotting, decomposing flesh diet, talks about the atkins diet and becoming a vegetarian.

ch 5: the dairy disaster, mothers milk should not be drank after 24 months and cows milk is going to make you fat, it's made to make a baby cow go from birth weight to 2,000 pounds in 2 years. Talks about other dairy products and more about being a vegetarian and it's benefits.

ch 6: you are what you eat. More information about being a vegetarian.

ch 7 : the myths and lies about protein.

ch 8: pooping. You should shit as much as you eat every day. If your not increase your water intake, exercise, and start eating better.

ch 9: Have no faith: Governmental Agencies don't give a shit about you health. Self explanatory. USDA, FDA, NAIS, PCRM, CMPB, OCA, RDA, and other agencies and the amount of caring they give us talked about.

ch 10: Don't be a Pussy. FINALLY! The book get's to the point of it all and starts talking about their diet and their suggestions that they came up with.

More on chapter 10 later, off to read some more.

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